


welcome to the page I use to test stuff. it looks bad on purple

i meant to type purpose but im kjeeping that

header 1

header 2

header 3

header 4

header 5
header 6

italicized text

emphasized text

bolded text

strong text

"Like a sparkling pinwheel of sterling chainsaws cascading through cardio procedure. Doctors call it luck, but others call it style. And it's always innocent, like rollercoaster fatality, like ghosts in snow."

Quite frankly I can't think of a use case for this.

typo typo typo tyop typo typo

My grandmother picks up quartz and valuable onyx jewels. The five boxing wizards jump quickly.

a link

This is really annoying to read

text-shadow: horizontal, vertical, blur effect, color

oh word you can layer it

Wait will this work

hover over this itll turn your mouse into a wheel

vw-pink-70black-style order: 3;


explanation of the naming convention for each box style (see below):

vw-: not important. my own thing.

border-: nb (no border), [color] for when its a solid color, grad for when it's a gradient. i don't plan on using multiple different gradients.

background-: ##[color] for when it's a transparent color of ##% opacity (eg 70black is black at 70%), [color] when it's just the solid color, grad1 and grad2 for the two different gradients I use here, 1 is indigoblue to darkpink and 2 is coolteal to indigoblue. may change how I name those.

style: just denotes that it's a class for style stuff (which means background color, border color, padding, etc)

vw-nb-blueindigo-style flex: 40%; order: 1;

Things like flex percentage and order are declared in inline CSS (like in the html file). main-box-style and side-nav-style are the only exceptions to this naming style?

I think this is the only place they show up. Still, I want to get around to maybe renaming the style? reworking that bit?

vw-nb-coolteal-style flex: 60%; order: 2;



so you call them steamed hams despite the fact that they are obviously grilled.


Custom tooltip this is the text that appears

this box glows

I can be resized horizontally! There's a text area in here, which can be resized both ways.
